Villas of the Valley I

740 Villas Circle
Lincoln Heights, OH

  • Villas of the Valley I exterior and walkway
  • Villas of the Valley I exterior
  • Villas of the Valley I exterior
  • Villas of the Valley I unit kitchen
Project Type
Acquisition and Renovation
Year Built
Acquisition Date
Number of Units

Villas of the Valley I is one of 18 properties in the Cincinnati area acquired by POAH from The Model Group in May 2018.  This acquisition preserved 1,100 rental apartments at a time when the neighborhood was seeing significant investments in infrastructure, new public transportation options, and an expansion of the district’s art and dining scene. This ensured the units would remain affordable long-term and allow residents of all income levels to participate in the economic renaissance of the neighborhood. POAH Communities will also implement a Community Impact program across the portfolio to help residents succeed, with outcome-driven resident services that foster financial stability, health and education.

Home to 42 low- and moderate-income seniors, Villas of the Valley I is located in Lincoln Heights, Ohio.

Project Partners
  • The Model Group
  • Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing
  • Ohio Housing Finance Agency