Attleboro Properties

Attleboro, MA 02703

  • Hebronvielle Mill drone photo
  • Gardner Terrace courtyard
  • Gardner Terrace exterior drone photo
  • Ten Mile River and Hebronville Mill
  • Detail of exterior windows
  • Townhouse exterior
Project Type
Acquisition and Renovation
Year Built
Acquisition Date
Number of Units

POAH purchased the Attleboro portfolio in August 2020 in order to preserve and revitalize these affordable housing properties for the long-term. It consists of three properties totaling 227 units of senior and family affordable housing. POAH will keep in place both state and federal project-based contracts that assist very low income renters at the property.

These properties include a variety of building types, including a historic mill, a historic factory, wood-framed townhomes as well as associated infrastructure.

Gardner Terrace I is located near the center of Attleboro and is a former jewelry factory. It is made up of 92 one-bedroom apartments.

Gardner Terrace II and Hebronville Mill are about three miles south of downtown along the Ten Mile River and formerly served as textile mills. Garden Terrace II is made up of 52 one-bedroom apartments, while Hebronville Mill has a total of 83 units, featuring one, two, and three-bedroom apartments.

All of the properties were converted to housing during the 1980s, but are now in need of substantial renovations.

The transaction will be conducted in two phases. In the short-term, POAH will work with MassHousing to make critical improvements to the property, address infrastructure needs, and institute new Community Impact programming for the residents. Phase II, targeted for late 2021/early 2022, will involve the comprehensive renovation of the properties utilizing tax-exempt bonds, 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits, and state capital funds.


Hebronville Mill 
988 Read Street

Gardner Terrace I
46 Pine Street

Gardner Terrace II
169 Knight Avenue

Project Partners
  • MassHousing
  • Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development
  • City of Attleboro
  • The Architectural Team